Covid 19 Control Plan

Protecting our community is the number one priority for Gill Landscapes in wake of the Covid 19 outbreak.

We have a detailed Covid 19 Control plan in place while we operate in Alert Levels 1, 2 and 3. As a non-essential business we will not be operating in Alert Level 4.

In order to operate safely at these levels we have amended our health and safety policies and put additional safety measures in place. It is important to us that we do not put anyone at risk in these unprecedented times.

Please understand that our face to face communication with clients, subcontractors and suppliers will be limited. We will keep our up our high levels of communication by utilising our technology. Phone calls and emails will be used as an alternative to meetings.

Please do not hesitate to phone Sean 0277888777 or Pete 0277888959 with any questions, concerns or simply to check in. We’d love to hear from you.

We have clearly outlined our additional safety precautions in the table below.


Additional Health and Safety Policies

As mentioned in the Alert Level Response Plan, we have also created two new additional Health and Safety policies that will be followed throughout the entirety of the Alert Level system. The extra precautions highlighted in our Alert Level Response Plan are additional to these policies. You can read our policies in full below.

Gill Landscapes Covid 19 Hygiene Policy

Gill Landscapes is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our staff at all times. This policy relates directly to the risks associated with the recent pandemic of Covid-19. This policy outlines the specific hygiene precautions we will take in order to order to limit the spread of illness and lower the risk of exposing our staff to Covid-19.


  • Utilise alternative communication to keep in touch– emailing notices, using the fb messenger thread for general work chat, text and phone one another.
  • Please keep a physical distance of 2 metres between yourself and other crews, whenever possible (this includes onsite and at the yard)
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow – go home if you are unwell
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and tools regularly
  • Don’t touch your eyes nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
  • Put used tissues in a bin immediately – go home if you are unwell


  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water is unavailable, use hand sanitiser.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands:
    • On arrival and departure of each worksite
    • Before and after using shared tools
    • Before eating
    • After touching shared surfaces
    • If contamination is suspected

Shared Tools

  • Johno is now responsible for the storage and delegation of all shared tools.
  • Shared tools need to be sanitised with antibacterial cleaning wipes before and after using.

Gill Landscapes Physical Distancing Policy

Gill Landscapes is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our staff at all times. This policy relates directly to the risks associated with the recent pandemic of Covid-19. This policy is implemented in order to limit the spread of illness and lower the risk of exposing our staff to Covid-19.


  • Limit whole-team meetings.
  • Utilise alternative communication to keep in touch– emailing notices, using the fb messenger thread for general work chat, text and phone one another.
  • The office will continue operating with a shift-work approach – this reduces the amount of staff in the office at any one time.
  • No visitors permitted at the office. This is now a STAFF ONLY office.
  • No visitors permitted at the yard
  • Please keep a physical distance of 2 metres between yourself and other crews, whenever possible (this includes onsite and at the yard)
  • Basketball will remain cancelled until further notice.

Work Crews

  • Work crews will stay the same until further notice. This ensures you are only ever in close proximity with one other staff member.
  • Please keep a physical distance of 2 metres between yourself and other crews onsite and at the yard.

Shared Tools

  • Johno is now responsible for the storage and delegation of all shared tools.
  • Shared tools need to be sanitised with antibacterial cleaning wipes before and after using.

Gill Landscapes Self-Isolation Policy

Gill Landscapes is committed to following the NZ Government guidelines in regards to Self-isolation. Our staff will be required to self-isolate if they meet the NZ Ministry of Health Covid-19 self-isolation criteria and in a Covid-19 Alert Level 4 event. This is to minimise the spread of the Covid-19 virus and protect our community.

Self Isolation Guidelines for Employees

  • All staff are required to call Sean immediately if they believe they meet the self-isolation criteria.
  • Stay in communication with Sean throughout the isolation period.
  • Self-isolation is required for a minimum 14 day period.
  • Where possible, ask friends or family to drop off anything you need or order supplies online. Make sure any deliveries are left outside your home for you to collect. Many New Zealand companies are now offering a ‘contactless’ delivery option, where they notify you when they have delivered your order but remain nearby to ensure you receive it.
  • You can keep in touch with friends and family over the phone or internet but don’t have physical contact with anyone who isn’t isolating with you.
  • Physical exercise is good for your wellbeing. Look for online classes or courses to help you take light exercise in your home.
  • You can go outside, but you need to limit your contact with others. It’s ok to go for a walk, run or ride your bike, as long as you avoid people who aren’t self-isolating.
  • Don’t use public transport. You can use your own transport means (car, bike etc) whenever you wish.
  • You can live with others during your 14 days, but you need to avoid close contact with them. This means you shouldn’t share beds, linen or food.

We hope you understand our need to be safe and cautious at this time. Our safety and your safety is our top priority. We hope this finds our clients and business community safe and well!

Kind regards,

The Gill Landscapes Team


Additional Resources

NZ Government information on Covid 19:

NZ Trades information on Covid 19:

Covid 19 Alert Level Guidance:

Signs and Symptoms of Covid 19: